Photo: Maria Veltmann, Tripod Partner (left) & Jurgita Lemesiute, Managing Partner of PeopleLink (right)

Baltic: Market Leaders Join Forces to Become a Major Pan-Baltic HR team


PeopleLink (Lithuania) and Tripod (Estonia), HR solutions firms, formed an alliance to provide services in the form of partnership in all three Baltic States and are opening a new joint office in Latvia called Tripod Link.

This makes them the biggest team of 60 HR consultants in the Baltics, offering the entire range of services, from recruitment and psychometric assessment to HR consulting and surveys.

The market demand to optimise international company management structures and trending remote work practices were the key indicators that led to the expansion of the Baltic-wide service offering.

One of the largest personnel search and selection companies in Lithuania PeopleLink, and the leading HR consultancy and executive search firm Tripod in Estonia, announced their partnership in the Baltic States. Both companies are to manage the newly established Latvian office, Tripod Link, in equal parts.

It has been a while since recruitment practices have crossed country borders. Some sectors are facing a shortage of people and are more flexible regarding the team’s geographical location. Remote work helps to solve these questions.

According to Jurgita Lemešiūtė, Managing Partner of PeopleLink, there is also a trend among increasingly more international companies to establish a single Baltic management team, therefore is a bigger demand for Pan-Baltic searches.

“Last year, we had more than ten such searches where it didn’t matter where the candidates were from – Latvia, Lithuania or Estonia. And that also creates more international opportunities for candidates, ”

says Jurgita Lemešiūtė

A need for such partnership, among other things, also emerged from a realisation that big companies are interested in growing within neighbouring familiar markets or using the Baltics as a launch pad for start-up businesses.

Moreover, according to Maria Veltmann, Tripod Partner, 100% of the clients with a Baltic presence expressed their preference to work with a single partner in the Baltic States due to more efficient and easier management.

It has been a while since recruitment practices have crossed country borders. Some sectors are facing a shortage of people and are more flexible regarding the team’s geographical location. Remote work helps to solve these questions.

One of the upsides of having a single partnership is being much more time-saving and cost-efficient. Since there is no need to acquire services from different suppliers in every country to conduct a small number of searches, that takes time to get to know the company, its requirements, values, etc. Among other benefits, this approach prevents from using different methods for candidate evaluation. Also, it allows for comparing more comprehensive results across the countries.

PeopleLink, Tripod and Tripod Link offer psychometric tests that have been scientifically published and standardised for all three Baltic States and are available in 5 languages. The organisational health survey is based on helping organisations become more resilient, while meaningful correlation analysis helps to see behind the numbers.

Finally, joining best practices together also serves as an advantage.

“Even though we were partners for the last 10 years, we were operating as separate companies, and by joining our best practices, now we see how much know-how we have collected. We are sure it will bring even more value to our customers,”

says Maria Veltmann.

Photo: Maria Veltmann, Tripod Partner (left) & Jurgita Lemesiute, Managing Partner of PeopleLink (right)


PeopleLink founded in 2009, is one of the leaders in the field of personnel search and selection in Lithuania. The Company specialises not only in recruitment and HR but also in different industries/functions. It successfully performs up to 500 selections each year in sales, marketing, IT, engineering, and other industries.

Tripod is one of Estonia’s biggest recruitment, training, and coaching firms. Throughout its more than 25 years of experience in the market gained the leading position in HR consultancy and executive search. Tripod has received three Gazelle Awards as a leading recruitment company by Gaselli Kongress; the last time was in 2022.

by Vykintė Budrytė

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