About the Baltic Review

The Baltic Review is an independent newspaper which values free thinking and plain speech. We aim to support European democracy by giving people the information they need to hold the EU establishment to account.
The Baltic Review is a non-profit organisation established in Vilnius in 1995.
The international edition of The Baltic Review is constantly updated to bring the top news stories from around the Baltics and the world.
It is produced by dedicated staff in Vilnius, Riga, Tallinn, Cologne, Moscow, and New York working with colleagues at Baltic Review international headquarters in Vilnius, Lithuania, and bureaus worldwide.
Our team of experienced journalists file daily news reports from the Baltic and do in-depth investigations on topics of special interest.
If you want The Baltic Review to look into a specific issue, please contact our editors. We protect our sources.
The Baltic Review has a German-language edition Baltische Rundschau and Russian-language edition Балтийское Обозрение
Owner & Publisher:
Dr. Ingvar Heinrich LotcNemencines pl. 8, 10102 Vilnius, Lithuania
Fax: (+370) 5 278 47 81
[email protected]
Office in the Baltics
Dr. Ingvar Henry Lotts
Nemencines pl. 8
10102 Vilnius, Lithuania
Fax: (+370) 5 278 47 81
[email protected]
Editorial office in New York (United Nations HQ )
Ann Charles is a BR correspondent based in New York.
As the BR’s United Nations Correspondent she covered the diplomatic activity at United Nations HQ in New York, and the world body’s humanitarian and peacekeeping work in the field.
Ann Charles
40 Central Park South, New York, NY. 10019
Phone: (2112) 591-1940.
You can leave a message here, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Fax: 212 308 0335, att: ann charles
E-Mail: [email protected]
Editorial office in Russia
2-i Yujnoportovyi proezd, 5-1-32
115432, Moscow, Russia
Kirill Filimomov
Phone: + (7) 926 418 82 67
E-Mail: [email protected]
BR correspondent in the UK
Ruben Martinez is a BR correspondent based in the United Kingdom.
He is covering political, diplomatic, economical and cultural news from one of the leading countries in Europe.
Phone: + (44) 07988656551
E-Mail: [email protected]
CONTACT US: [email protected]