Vilnius Metro – Way for billions of long-term investment in transport infrastructure in Lithuania
Seimas (Lithuanian Parliament) delivered Vilnius Metro concession bill, which aims to implement a new type of transport in the country – metro and open the way for billions of long-term investment in transport infrastructure in Lithuania
84 percent of the parliamentarians vote for the bill and sent it to the parliamentary committees for further consideration.
One of the organizers of the Law, member of the Seimas and Chairman of the Lithuanian Green party Linas Balsys pointed out in his speech that it is necessary to give much more attention to urban areas, particularly Vilnius, transport infrastructure development.
“Metro concession law to open up dramatically change urban transport. Metro lines would wake those sleepy residential areas up for active life, eliminate traffic jams and most important – attract long-term investments, which would remain in Lithuania permanently”,– said Mr. Balsys.

The visitors of “RESTA 2007” exhibition in Litexpo exhibition center could admire a layout of the future Vilnius metro. It was five meter length with five metro trains moving on it. The layout was build by company “Vilniaus rentinys”.
Being the leader of Lithuanian Green Party, Linas Balsys also pointed out that the metro would significantly improve the ecological situation in the capital of Lithuania, as the major air polluter in our country today remains a road transport, outperforming the industry and energy sectors. One of the main reasons for this situation – old car usage and excessive traffic during peak periods.
Metro systems are generally used by up to 50 percent of urban population, so this would not only reduce the urban air pollution, but also the noise pollution as well.
Global metro construction experience suggests that this mode of transport raises the prestige of the city and increases the value of a real estate within kilometer radius from metro stations about 1.5 times.
[divider]Vilnius Metro[/divider]
Vilnius Metro (Lithuanian: Vilniaus metropolitenas) is a proposed rapid transit system in the Lithuanian capital Vilnius.
Three lines are currently proposed to connect the busiest and most populous city districts.
Its purpose is the relief of traffic congestion, which increased significantly in the 1990s and 2000s.
In 2001 Mayor Artūras Zuokas requested international support for a feasibility study of the proposed system. The proposal was approved as part of the city’s master plan by the Vilnius Municipal Council in 2002.
Systra was chosen by the city as a study partner; the Scott Wilson Group conducted a public-private financing feasibility study during 2005 and 2006.
Vilnius Metro Logo was created in 2005 by a young artist and graphic Designer Anna Fiodorova. She then won a contest of ‘Vilnius Metro Logo” design competition and among 500 contestants A. Fiodorova’s Logo Design was the one that the judges of the contests decided to choose.
As of 2007, the project was the subject of intense debate by politicians and citizens. The concerns include cost (an estimated 3 billion litas), the possibility that vibrations would damage the historic buildings in Vilnius Old Town, and the perception that streets would be closed.