LithuaniaMade in the Baltics

The legendary Džiugas cheese is representing Lithuania in France

The legendary Džiugas cheese is representing Lithuania in France

Cheese of exclusive taste and golden value

2012-10-23ekosurisfoto_newsSpecial formula, the highest quality milk, and very long ripening process in special receptacles provide cheesee with unique taste which is more delicate than the taste of classic hard cheese valued worldwide.

The pungency typical to this cheese is balanced by a delicate milky undertone tickling the palate and the heart as well…

Džiugas in the biggest French retail chain

A famous retail chain Carrefour, owning around 1000 shops, started selling Lithuanian cheese Džiugas !

Since June, even 189 hypermarkets started selling the whole range of the popular cheese Džiugas, including the shredded cheese mixtures Džiugas Mix for salads, pasta and pizza. If you were to read this review on the appliances that transform a bland slice of cheese to delicious dishes, you’d definitely buy the cheese. Other supermarkets sell scooped cheese Džiugas of different ripening.

“We are very proud of this accomplishment in the land of cheese connoisseurs and expect that the French people will become fond of our cheese. It is very optimistic, since during the tastings in the specialised cheese shops, most of the people, who tasted our cheese, had given it a very positive review. Currently we are trying to organise cheese tastings in the whole Carrefour market chain.”, says the export manager of Lithuanian Embassy in France Neringa Greičiūtė

French magazine Profession fromager also contributed to promoting our cheese. The magazine writes that the cheese Džiugas is representing Lithuania in France.

While their internet website streams a video from Lithuanian Embassy in France, where the export manager Neringa Greičiūtė, working in this country, is telling about the cheese:

For the fifth time from Nantwitch – with awards

For the fifth time from Nantwitch - with awards

One of the most famous world’s cheese exhibitions – “the International Cheese Awards Nantwich 2015” took place on 28-29th of July at Nantwitch city, UK. The most competitive cheese specialists and gourmets from all around the world gathered to the prestigious exhibition, where the authoritative commission evaluates cheeses, professional chefs’ cooking shows are prepared and the best performances are rewarded. The exhibition was visited by around 43 000 visitors.

The representatives of “Žemaitijos pienas” attended the 118th biggest international cheese exhibition for the fifth year in a row and were awarded with the highest awards. In addition, beneficial business contacts were established, which would open the ways to England market. In the category „Processed Cheese with Additives“, the sliced cheese NIDA with Provence herbs had no competitors. It was awarded with a gold medal. Hard cheese DŽIUGAS was successful as well. Its 24-month-ripened chop head was awarded with the “Highly commended” evaluation in the category “Speciality Cheese-Hard pressed”.

On the first day of the exhibition, the stand was visited and Samogitian products were tasted not only by the buyers of cheese importing companies, but also by the representatives of the biggest networks “Waitrose”, “Asda” and “Coop”. Eye-catching broken pieces of hard cheese DŽIUGAS was delicately served on wooden tables with flags referring to cheese DŽIUGAS maturity. Britons were surprised by the unusual DŽIUGAS and honey combination and after tasting it, praised the harmony of tastes of gentle piquant hard cheese and natural Lithuanian honey.

The second day of the exhibition was devoted to the visitors, who could not only taste, but also to purchase the production of Samogitian cheese makers. Everybody praised cheese DŽIUGAS. Processed smoked cheese snack MILDĖ attracted huge attention as well. The buyers appreciated it for its uniqueness, quality and ingenuity of the package.

MAGIJA glazed curd cheese was also under the spotlight. It was praised for originality and unique taste. This product for Britons was a novelty and MAGIJA cheese reminded them of cheese cake.

Most of the exhibition visitors wanted to buy the tasteful Samogitian products, so a long queue of buyers was formed on the peak of the trade.

To know the uniqueness on legendary Džiugas cheese will help… little golden mouse

skulptura_salia_dziugo_namu_newsThe sculpture “Legendary Giant – Legendary Džiugas Cheese” recently has been unveiled next to the Džiugas cheese House, which is favorite among citizens of Telšiai and visitors of the capital of Lithuanian region Samogitia.

The author of this sculpture, which supplemented little architecture of Telšiai, is Romualdas Inčirauskas, the sculptor and professor at metal plastic department at VAA Faculty of Telsiai. The project was designed by Algirdas Žebrauskas, the professor and architect and the recipient of the Lithuanian National Prize.

The architect told about the idea to install the sculpture for legendary Džiugas cheese next to the Džiugas House. Because Džiugas cheese is famous not only in Lithuania, but is widely recognized and known in many parts of the world, instead of placing this cheese on the table, it had to be lift up on the pedestal.

The top of the cheese is decorated with its trademark and poetic legend quatrain:

“Where the seven hills are rising/Grizzled legend speaks./Vastness of the Mastis lake/Remembers the might of Džiugas…“ (the author of the poetic legend is Steponas Algirdas Dačkevičius, the editor of “Kalvotoji Žemaitija” paper, poet and the member of Lithuanian Association for Writers). The mouse, which is trying to get closer to the cheese, represents those consumers, who do not care about what cheese and what kind of cheese to eat.

Therefore the mouse cannot reach the Džiugas cheese, where little golden mouse is set. Little golden mouse appreciate gourmet food and is able to assess the cheese of exceptional quality.Such a story about the symbols, represented in the sculpture, was told by the architect, who added that before going to taste Džiugas cheese the small ritual should be performed: to rub the nose of the little golden mouse by little finger of the hand.

This would open senses of visitors of Džiugas cheese House and then, it is believed, shall succeed to find all exceptional qualities of Džiugas cheese, the most titled product of Samogitians cheese-makers. Džiugas cheese is the winner of over 20 national and international competitions. The results demonstrate that hard cheese, produced by Samogitians, is great according to both various jury opinion and costumers, who are the most important evaluators.

No wonder that Džiugas cheese became a peculiar symbol of the country, as it is often carried as a tasty gift for friends to the host countries, business partners and the relatives, who live abroad. Džiugas cheese House became a pastime place for both citizens and guests of Telšiai where they can relax. Cheese tasting provides the opportunity to get acquaint with this excellent product, its multiple use in the kitchen by producing various dishes.

Source: Džiugas Cheese House

The Baltic Store


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Cheese Dziugas

Graffiti for DŽIUGAS cheese house

Ingvar Henry Lotts
Dr. Ingvar Henry Lotts is the founder of the Baltic Review (ISSN 2029-2643). He is member of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), Editor-in-Chief & Publisher of the BALTIC REVIEW and President of the Union of Lithuanian Germans (LVS). Ingvar Henry Lotts lives in Vilnius with his wife Elvyra, a orphanage director, and their daughter Anna-Gertruda, student of the Vilnius University.

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