
“What does Europe mean to me” – German-Baltic Youth Office organises international essay competition

“What does Europe mean to me” – German-Baltic Youth Office organises international essay competition

Jugendwerk organises international essay competition

For the first time, the German-Baltic Youth Office is organising an international essay competition for young people. The question is “What does Europe mean to me“. The competition is organised by the regional offices of the Jugendwerk in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

“In these difficult times, it is more important than ever to understand young people’s views on what Europe means to them, how they feel about growing up here and how they see their future life here,”

says Rozīte Katrīna Spīča from the Baltic-German Youth Office in Riga.

The competition takes place in cooperation with the German teachers’ associations of the Baltic states and the German-Baltic Youth and Students’ Association.

The competition is open to all young people aged 16 to 25 from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania who are resident in one of the three countries. The essay can be written in German or English and must not be longer than 700 words. The deadline for entries is 15 May 2021.

The detailed conditions of participation can be found here:

The three best essays will win cash prizes (150, 100 and 50 €) and the winning entries will be published in the German-Baltic Yearbook.

In addition, the winner can present the essay at the Carl Schirren Day in Lüneburg in September.

The German-Baltic Youth Office maintains regional offices in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Germany, whose activities contribute to finding European answers to questions about the future. The regional offices are actively involved in public debates in the Baltic States and in Germany. For three years now, the German-Baltic Youth Office has also been organising international conferences under the motto “Europe shall hear you“, at which young people and experts discuss future issues with each other.

More information on the German-Baltic Youth Office:

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