Add Your News or Letter

Hello There,

Thank you so much for your interest in our edition. We welcome everyone interested in the Baltic States as well as other countries we focus on, including EU, Russia and Scandinavian region.

The topics we are dealing with are reflected in the names of our sections. You may see that this is a wide range of themes: politics, business, culture or travel.

So I hope you will find it exciting to write for the Baltic Review.

I would like to underline that there is no particular ideology or any sort of restrictions except for the conventional journalism ethics.

Your Dr. Ingvar Henry Lotts
Editor-in-Chief & Publisher



The Baltic Review accepts opinion articles on any topic, for the online page.

Articles typically run from 400 to 1,200 words, but submissions of any length will be considered. All submissions must be original, and exclusive to The Baltic Review.

We will not consider articles that have already been published, in any form, in print or online.

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Submissions may be sent by email to editor@baltic-review. com



The Baltic Review welcomes your letters. Please include your address and phone number for verification. Pseudonyms or anonymous letters are not published. All letters are subject to editing.

We ask that letters be exclusive to the Baltic Review. We regret that we can neither print nor acknowledge all the correspondence we receive. Letters accepted for publication appear in our print edition and on our website.

E-mail: editor@baltic-review. com



The Baltic Review edits letters for length and checks factual content. Letters should be no more than 300 words and should address no more than one topic. Letters that are concise have a better chance of being used.

Also, the Baltic Review limits letter writers to no more than one letter every three months; however, this is not a promise that every letter submitted within those guidelines can be used. These policies allow us to have more readers’ viewpoints printed in a limited amount of space. Occasionally, we do make exceptions and allow longer letters to be printed, particularly if an organization or person who has been the subject of a news story wants to respond.

Those who have written letters being considered for publication will be contacted by the Baltic Review. This is not a promise that the letter will be used, but we try to use most letters for which the writer has been contacted.