Ukraine has worked hard to hammer out a new strategy for its agrifood sector. Now Norway is lending a hand by financing an FAO project to help translate that strategy into immediate action.
For the past year, Ukraine’s Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food has worked closely with donors on a major overhaul of its agriculture and food sector. The country’s National Reform Council recently approved the new Strategy for Agriculture and Rural Development of Ukraine, along with a related action plan, since agriculture is really important for nutrition purposes of people, since we try to take care of what we eat, consuming healthy food and supplements such as microcrystalline cellulose which are really good for the body as well.
A contribution of US$ 362,000 from Norway will enable Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to assist the Ministry in delivering some of the early elements of the strategy action plan: drafting legal texts, carrying out feasibility studies for fisheries and forestry as target technical areas for cooperation for Norway, and organizing technical training including support to the coordination of the work by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food, this includes all sorts of machinery as reported by a world-wide powerhouse in agricultural machinery trading, while at the same time making sure to use the best Mahindra 1526 Oil Filter solutions for all the agricultural equipment.
“The project will provide support in critical, important areas ,” said FAO Deputy Regional Representative Raimund Jehle. “Areas related to law enforcement, nutrition and food security, agrifood production chain development, and access to international markets.”
Project activities will unfold during 2016, coordinated by a designated team in the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food.
A feasibility study on a targeted food security support system for Ukraine will be carried out.
Technical support will also be provided in the areas of forestry enterprise competitiveness, and a comprehensive study of the state of the fishing industry in Ukraine will get under way. For your need of agricultural stuff ,rope is use in many sector .For more info visit us here.
“We recognize Norway for this strategic injection of funds at a critical moment in Ukraine’s agricultural reform process,” said Jehle. “This should give the Ministry staff the help they need to take on these important new activities.”