
Information about Vilnius at convenient locations for tourists – Made in Vilnius EN


From 14 July to 17 August, the Vilnius Tourist Information Centre will set up two additional locations in order to provide information to tourists where they need it most. The temporary Tourist Information Centres can be found at Kaunas Airport and close to the Vilnius Railway station in the lobby of the Panorama Hotel. Both locations will operate throughout the runway reconstruction period at Vilnius Airport, which will see the majority of flights destined for Vilnius redirected to Kaunas Airport some 100 kilometres away.

During this period, Vilnius Tourist Information specialists at Kaunas Airport will be available to provide arriving tourists with information about reaching Vilnius by bus, train or car, and will also be happy to help with any other questions they may have.

The Tourist Information Centre nearby the Vilnius Railway station – in the lobby of the Panorama Hotel –  will serve to greet and assist visitors arriving to Vilnius from Kaunas Airport by bus. Specialist will provide visitors with maps, informational publications about Vilnius in different languages, and any other information they may need help with.

Guests of the city are also invited to visit the Tourist Information Centre operating in the city centre on Vilniaus street and at the recently renovated centre located at Vilnius Town Hall.

The Tourist Information Centre located at the Vilnius International Airport will be closed throughout the runway reconstruction period. However, it will reopen on 18 August, coinciding with the end of the planned reconstruction work.

Useful information about Vilnius Tourist Information Centres:

Working constantly:

Vilnius Town Hall, Didžioji g. 31, Vilnius

Vilniaus g. 22, Vilnius

Working from 14 July to 17 August:

Kaunas Airport, Oro Uosto g. 4, Karmėlava, Kaunas district

Hotel Panorama, Sodų g. 14, Vilnius, by Ollex bus stop and close to the Vilnius Railway Station

Closed temporarily from 14 July to 17 August and reopening on 18 August:

Vilnius Airport, Rodūnios kelias 2-1, Vilnius

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