Former Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny | Julien Warnand/EPA
Year in review
The former Irish prime minister’s take on 2017.
POLITICO asked political figures from around Europe for their reflections on 2017 and their predictions for the new year. Here, former Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny gave his take on Europe in the year just passed.
What did you learn in 2017?
That change is the only constant.
Your high point of 2017?
Seeing Ireland continue to move ahead.
Your low point of 2017?
Falling off while cycling the Ring of Kerry Charity Cycle.
Your favorite movie/TV show from the year? Why?
David Attenborough’s television series [“Blue Planet II”]. Because it’s truly fascinating.
Three words you would use to sum up the EU.
More to do.
Any new year’s resolutions?
Live life to the full.
What are your hopes for 2018? And your expectations?
Peace, prosperity, opportunity.
Fragile peace, uncertainty and continuing regional conflict.
Other year-end interviews: Dalia Grybauskaitė, president of Lithuania.