
Baltics: Lithuania and Estonia reduce entry restrictions

Baltics: Lithuania and Estonia reduce entry restrictions

Vilnius (dpa) – Lithuania will reduce corona-related restrictions on entry to the Baltic EU country. From Monday onwards, the quarantine obligation will only apply to travellers from countries with an infection rate of more than 25 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the past two weeks.

This was announced by Health Minister Aurelijus Veryga on Friday. This means that travelers from Germany can now travel back to Lithuania without having to go into quarantine. So far the limit has been 16 cases. In the future, all travelers entering Lithuania will be required to register – they will have to provide their data upon arrival in Lithuania.

Estonia is also raising the limit for the neighboring countries Finland, Latvia and Lithuania from 16 to 25 cases as of next Monday. Anyone entering the Baltic state from other countries with a rate of more than 16 cases must continue to undergo a 14-day quarantine or a corona test.

Latvia, on the other hand, does not want to raise the limit for the time being.

This is a decision I am not prepared to make,

said head of government Krisjanis Karins in Riga.

With the government’s decision in Riga, the “travel bubble” in the Baltic States will partly burst, as the quarantine obligation in Latvia will now also apply to travellers from Estonia as of next week. Until now, citizens of the Baltic states Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have been allowed to travel freely within the three neighboring countries in northeastern Europe since the opening of the common borders in mid-May.

The data for the country lists are updated weekly. For Germany, the authorities have now indicated an infection rate of 20.9. Latvia, on the other hand, with a value of 4.3, is one of the countries in Europe least affected by the pandemic. For Lithuania the value is 15.6 and for Estonia 20.8.

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