
Exodus to Baltics: Lithuanians must integrate themselves first

Exodus to Baltics: Lithuanians must integrate themselves first

According to a current survey by the opinion research institute Spinter tyrimai, sixty percent of Lithuanians are against the country taking in refugees

This shows the country’s citizens aren’t mature enough to be part of Europe, the monthly magazine IQ contends:

Now that Europe is in the grips of an almost unmanageable refugee crisis, for the first time [since joining the EU] we have the opportunity to play the role not only of recipient but also of donor. This is a unique opportunity for us to come across as strong and self-assured. … Almost 27 percent of the population is for taking in refugees, while only 17 percent says this would be an expression of humanity and solidarity with Europe. The rest hope that the foreigners won’t stay here for long.

… That only allows one conclusion: first of all thousands of Lithuanians need to integrate [into Europe], because their superstition and fear are preventing them from feeling the compassion and humanity that are part and parcel of the European’s DNA.




Andrzej Vilenski
Andrzej Vilenski, the Baltic Review correspondent is a PhD student at the University of Vilnius, studying policy.

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