
Baltics: Above 90 % of the citizens are aware of EU regional policy and believe in the positive impact of projects

Baltics: Above 90 % of the citizens are aware of EU regional policy and believe in the positive impact of projects
ESPAGNE, PUIGCERDA, Le premier h™pital transfrontalier dÕEurope verra le jour ˆ Puigcerdˆ, en Catalogne, ˆ la frontire franco-espagnole. Ce projet ambitieux, qui mobilise les Žnergies des deux pays, montre que la construction europŽenne est dŽsormais une rŽalitŽ tangible, incarnŽe dans des programmes de progrs et de solidaritŽ. Pict by Eric Herchaft

As the main investment arm of the European Union, regional policy plays an important role reducing economic and social differences between Europe’s regions, and creating growth and jobs. Every 2-3 years the Commission carries out a survey to determine citizens’ awareness and perception of EU regional policy.

The most recent survey carried out in June 2015 gives a snapshot of current opinion. The survey showed that awareness about EU regional policy has remained stable, following similar surveys in 2010 and 2013: 34% of respondents have heard about EU co-financed projects where they live.



Good news: of the citizens that are aware of EU regional policy, three quarters believe in the positive impact of projects. This encouraging result underlines the enormous communication potential of EU regional policy projects.

Taking these responses by country, positive perception rates were above 90 % in Latvia, Lithuania, Ireland, Poland and Estonia.


QUESTION: Taking into consideration all the projects you have heard about, would you say that this support has had a positive or negative impact on the development of your city or region?





Citizens believe that investment should be prioritised in education, health or social infrastructures, the environment and SMEs.

QUESTION: EU regional policy can invest in many different domains. Which of the following examples do you consider more important of less important for your city or region?



Source: Panorama Magazine Nr. 54


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